Discerning your vocation

What is discernment?

If we break down the word discernment into the two Latin words it comes from, we get ‘dis’

(apart) and ‘cenere’ (to separate). To discern means ‘to separate apart’. 

Any time we have to choose between two or more options, we discern. If both options are attractive, the best choice might not be obvious.

How can I discern my vocation?

Discerning your vocation is not about choosing something you will do for life but about discovering who you are made to be, discovering your deepest identity. It is more than an intellectual weighing up of options or applying a technique to find an answer. 

Discernment is a process of becoming aware of what’s in our hearts and minds, listening to God, gaining clarity and making a choice.

The process of discernment can be compared to the process of fruit ripening. A fruit tree needs to be nourished with water, sunlight and good soil in order for the fruit to ripen. In the same way, we need the right conditions for effective discernment of our vocation.

‘We saw peoples’ lives being renewed.’

We have the privilege of accompanying people in need and of going on missions in countries all around the world.

 Am I called to be a Presentation Sister?

Would you be fulfilled serving others, particularly those who have experienced marginalisation, and would you have a genuine commitment to alleviating the burdens which they carry? 

Could you live with the flexibility of the disciples in the Gospel, who were able to leave their familiar way of life behind to take on new responsibilities?

Do you have a longing to live a rhythm of contemplative prayer?

Do you have a reasonably good education and a willingness to engage in the ongoing learning required to be a disciple in a rapidly changing world?

Are you between 25 and 45 years of age, with some experience of working for your living? (It is possible to look at individual applications outside this age span also.)

If so, then you may have a vocation to religious life with the Presentation Sisters!

Get in touch

If you are exploring a vocation to the Presentation Sisters, we would love to hear from you! Please feel free to get in touch with Sr Mary Deane.

Presentation Sisters, 120 Lanwith Road, Langwith Junction, Mansfield, NG20 9RP

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Friends of Nano

A network of women and men, who are committed, as Nano was, to ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God.’ (Micah 6:8)