Our way of life

Discover our way of life as religious sisters, our community life, vows and charism.

Community life

We support one another in living out our mission and in growing in communion in the Spirit. In a spirit of mutual love and through shared responsibility, we call one another to faithfulness to our way of life.

We hold in trust our resources, finances and properties in solidarity with the whole community of life. We channel our resources towards the promotion of justice, peace and the integrity of creation, operating ethically in a spirit of generosity, accountability and transparency.

Our vows

Our sisters take three vows: poverty, chastity and obedience. By our profession of these religious vows, we publicly commit to placing these gifts at the service of the mission of Jesus and His Church.



We recognise that all we have is gift and to be shared. 

The gift of poverty opens us to the abundance of God’s creation and the truth of our joyful and wholehearted dependence on divine providence. It creates within us a spirit of trust, gratitude, detachment, and generosity of heart. 

By our vow of poverty, we commit ourselves to a life of voluntary poverty which involves dependence and limitation in the use and disposal of material possessions. We hold our goods in common and depend on our community for whatever we need.


We commit ourselves to seeking Christ with an undivided heart. 

The gift of chastity, expressed as consecrated celibacy, enables us to grow into the mystery of God who first loved us and whose love holds us all in being. Our wholehearted quest for God is at the heart of the vow of chastity, freeing us to be of service in any part of the globe as the Gospel calls. 

We freely choose a life of celibacy, thus relinquishing the right to marriage and exclusive relationships. Consecrated chastity strengthens us in reaching out with compassionate love to all those to whom we are sent. We dedicate ourselves and our energy, as women, to proclaiming the reign of God.


To go on mission wherever we are called.

The gift of obedience, freely chosen, identifies us with Jesus, the obedient One, who proclaimed his mission as that of doing the will of the Father. Believing in God’s plan for us, we listen attentively for the movement of the Spirit, nurturing in us a willingness to be sent on mission.

 The charism

‘ … charisms are graces of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit the Church, ordered as they are to her building up, to the good of men, and to the needs of the world.’ 

Catechism of the Catholic Church [799]

Our charism emanates from Nano Nagle’s charism, as expressed through her commitment to the education and care of the vulnerable and powerless and the relief of those exploited by unjust systems.

We seek to participate in the unfolding mystery of God by fostering the values proclaimed in the life and mission of Jesus. In fidelity to the founding Spirit, we respond creatively in the context of where we live and minister.

 Exploring a vocation to the Presentation Sisters

If you are exploring a vocation to the Presentation Sisters, we want to help you on your journey and would love to hear from you!