Meeting God in the quiet place

Prayer is at the heart of our lives and it is through our prayer that we find the strength to carry out our work.

Our prayer life

‘In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place and there he prayed’ 

Mark 1:35

The source and heart of our lives is in communion with God in Christ. Our communion with God is deepened by contemplating the Living Word in scripture and sacrament. 

We value silence, stillness and solitude as ways of nurturing our relationship with God. 

Our lives of intimacy with Christ require space for individual prayer, communal prayer and for an annual retreat. Our faith is deepened by being shared with one another and the people with whom we live and minister.

‘A life of prayer runs like a golden thread through every day of active ministry, it is the foundation of a Presentation Sister's life.’ 

 Prayer powers our work

It is through our prayer and spiritual life that we find the strength, wisdom and guidance to engage in our ministry. Prayer centres us in the loving and forgiving God and moves us into joyful service. Our Sisters’ work for justice and compassion for the poor is grounded in Jesus’ life as written in the Gospel.

In the beauty of creation and in the unfolding of our lives, we discover the mysterious presence of the Divine inviting us to pray unceasingly, joining in the praise and yearning of all creation. Rooted in the reality of daily life, we grow in awareness of movements and events in the world and in the societies and cultures in which we live and minister.

Our prayer gives us vitality for mission, moving us beyond ourselves in solidarity with the whole community of life, strengthening and enriching us as we witness to God’s love and compassion.

Our spirituality

The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. Hence, there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, in a mountain trail, in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face.

Laudato Si Par 233

Our Way of Life expresses our yearning for union with the living God, present in mystery, in the unfolding of creation, in its magnificence, beauty and wonder, in darkness, pain and woundedness.

Conscious of the interconnectedness of all that exists and of God’s revelation in all of life we commit ourselves to a spirituality of being in communion.

The spirituality of being in communion invites us to be more contemplative, to nurture and reverence the Cosmos, Earth and its people particularly those most wounded. It calls us to live more sustainably and to critical questioning of the systems in which we live and work.