Reflecting on the twists and turns of life

Sr Dolores Cooney

I am the eldest of four children born to my parents in Clonmel, County Tipperary. We enjoyed a very happy childhood where our Catholic faith was interwoven in our daily lives - not separate but very much part of our living. Education was very important and I was blessed to attend the Presentation Primary and Secondary schools. The “Nuns“ as the sisters were known by, made a big impression on me from the start; I was aware of their different personalities and yet, there was some common thread that held them together as a community which I now know was the charism of Nano Nagle.

Leaving school at 18, I just “knew“ I wanted to be a Presentation sister. It was suggested that I enter in Manchester as there was a strong link between Clonmel and Manchester from 1836 when three sisters from Clonmel were the first Presentation sisters in England. Over the years a number of Clonmel Pres past pupils were in Livesey St convent. This greatly helped my parents to give me their blessing as they knew I wouldn’t be with complete strangers.

My years of ministry in Education as a primary teacher were very fulfilling and it is still very rewarding to hear about past pupils. Parents appreciated and still acknowledge the interest, care and attention given to their families.

Over the years my  life has taken many twists and turns and to various places; it reminds me of my novice mistress saying “when you make your vows it is like you are signing a blank cheque and handing it to God.“ Yes, there have been challenges like you get in any walk of life, but God has always been there for me and in unexpected ways. Spending time in California and Texas and working with our sisters for two years  in New Orleans with the homeless, were certainly graced times. At present I am a full time Parish sister in a large parish.

Community life and prayer come first in being a Presentation sister from which all ministry flows. No matter where we live as Presentation sisters, like Nano, we carry our lanterns and let her light shine as we continue on our journey in life.



All kinds of ministries, including in a war zone


I have had so many opportunities in my life. I have been inspired by many sisters and I feel Nano is so alive